Feb 4, 2025NewPlayerMux Player iframe and playback pageYou can now embed Mux Player with an iframe by following player.mux.com/ with your playback ID. Visiting that URL directly will provide a playback page.
Oct 30, 2024NewPlayerSDKMux Player for Swift v1.2.0 ReleasedThis version of Mux Player for Swift adds support for requesting instant clips of any video on-demand asset using relative time.
Oct 30, 2024NewPlayerSDKMux Player Android v1.2.0 ReleasedThis version of Mux Player for Android adds support for requesting instant clips of any video on-demand asset using relative time.
Jul 11, 2024BetaNewPlayerSDKMux Player for Swift v1.1.0 Released with DRMMux Player for Swift adds support for Mux Video DRM which is an extra level of security against unauthorized viewing or downloading. DRM support is in public beta, sign up on the beta page
Jul 11, 2024NewBetaPlayerSDKMux Player for Android v1.1.0 Released with DRMMux Player for Android adds support for Mux Video DRM which is an extra level of security against unauthorized viewing or downloading. DRM support is in public beta, sign up on the beta page
Jul 11, 2024BetaNewPlayerSDKMux Player v2.8.0 Released with DRMMux Player adds support for Mux Video DRM which is an extra level of security against unauthorized viewing or downloading. DRM support is in public beta, sign up on the beta page
May 20, 2024NewPlayerMux Player for Android v1.0.0 ReleasedMux Player for Android has now left beta, and version 1.0.0 is available. The release version has APIs for playing Mux assets securely, controlling resolution, and a simple managed on-disk cache.
May 20, 2024NewPlayerMux Player Swift 1.0.0We're excited to announce that Mux Player Swift is now generally available! This release supports caching single resolution on-demand streaming videos along with additional API improvements.
Dec 7, 2023NewPlayerMux Player for iOS and Android public betaMux Player for iOS and Android now in public beta.
Oct 4, 2023NewPlayerMux Player 2.0 releaseMux Player 2.0 release comes with no functional changes but with a new UI with visual improvements.
Aug 15, 2023NewPlayerMux Player v1.12 with quality selector Mux Player now has a quality selector in the control bar which allows users to change the quality of the video.
Oct 5, 2022NewPlayerMux Player released to General AvailabilityMux Player v1.0.0 (General Availability) is released. This update includes focus, default width, keyboard shortcut, and additional improvements and bug fixes.
Sep 12, 2022NewBetaPlayerMux Player in Public Beta v@0.1.0-beta.27Since we released Mux Player (HTML Element and React) to public beta, we’ve made a variety of improvements including additional control customizations, keyboard shortcuts, video titling, and fixes.
Aug 4, 2022NewBetaPlayerMux Player in Public Beta v0.1.0-beta.26Mux Player initial public beta release. Mux Player fully integrates Mux Video and Mux Data with one line of code.
Feb 8, 2022NewPlayerVideojs-Mux-Kit v0.9.0 Introduces an hls.js Integration with videojs-contrib-quality-levelsThe latest Videojs-Mux-Kit v0.9.0 update features an HLS.js integration with videojs-contrib-quality-levels for improved video quality level picker functionality.
Feb 4, 2022NewPlayerVideojs-Mux-Kit v0.8.0 Introduces New VHS Build FileVideoJS-Mux-Kit v0.8.0 now supports Video.js HTTP Streaming (VHS).
Dec 13, 2021NewPlayerMux Elements: playback-core v0.1.0 ReleasedWe have introduced playback-core, which contains utilities and logic shared by the following playback elements: mux-video, mux-video-react, mux-audio, and mux-audio-react.
Dec 13, 2021NewImprovementPlayerMux Elements: mux-video v0.2.0 New Features and ImprovementsYou can now pass in the start-time attribute to make playback start at a certain timestamp.
Dec 13, 2021NewImprovementPlayerMux Elements: mux-video-react v0.2.0 New Features and ImprovementsYou can now pass in the startTime prop to make playback start at a certain timestamp.
Dec 13, 2021NewImprovementPlayerMux Elements: mux-audio v0.2.0 New Features and ImprovementsYou can now pass in the start-time attribute to make playback start at a certain timestamp.
Dec 13, 2021NewPlayerNew Mux Element Added: <MuxAudio />We’ve added a new Mux Element: <MuxAudio /> React component is the counterpart to <MuxVideo />.