Jan 31, 2025NewAccountVercel welcome page in dashboardUsers who are within an organization that is connected to the Vercel marketplace will see a new welcome page if they have not created any assets.
Jan 16, 2025NewAccountVideoMux is now available through the Vercel MarketplaceMux is now available through the Vercel Marketplace
Aug 28, 2024NewUpdateVideoAccountEncoding tiers are now video quality levels; organization admins can now set a default video quality levelEncoding tiers are now video quality levels; organization admins can now set a default video quality level. Baseline has been renamed to basic, and smart has been renamed to plus.
Jun 15, 2023NewAccountLimit which Environments a user has access to in the DashboardAdmins can now limit what Environments users can access when in the Dashboard.
Apr 20, 2023ImprovementAccountThe Mux Dashboard has been updated with our new brandWe have updated the text color, button shape, and numerous other colors in the Dashboard. These changes improve accessibility and consistency across the application, and align with our brand.
Mar 28, 2023ImprovementAccountSelf-serve payments for unpaid invoicesCustomers can pay late or delinquent invoices without needing to request a payment link from Mux support.
Mar 1, 2023ImprovementAccountUnified signing keys across Mux Data and Video productsSigning keys are used to sign JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to authenticate and enumerate requests to the Mux APIs. You are no longer required to create separate signing keys for Video and Data URLs.
Feb 16, 2023ImprovementAccountMore readable filenames for Mux invoicesThe Mux invoices you download as a PDF or CSV will now have filenames that are more readable and include the invoice creation date.
Feb 15, 2023NewAccountResolution Based Video PricingPAYG Video ingestion, storage and delivery are now priced based on two resolution tiers: up to 720p and above 720p.
Feb 14, 2023UpdateAccountNew Mux Docs siteWe’re launching a new Mux Docs site, including new information architecture, a webhook reference, a more-powerful search, dark mode, and improved performance.
Jan 20, 2023NewAccount3D Secure verification support when adding a credit card or making a payment3D Secure verification support for credit cards makes it less likely that your payment to Mux might be rejected.
Oct 11, 2022UpdateAccountNew Sign-up UINew sign-up and log-in visuals that help users quickly understand and complete account creation.
Oct 6, 2022NewAccountTiered Pay as You Go (PAYG) Video PricingTransparent Pay as You Go Video pricing provides lower per-unit pricing as your usage of Mux grows.
Oct 6, 2022NewAccountUsage Database ImprovementsPerformance improvements to the usage system that mean faster responses and fewer timeouts when you access the usage API or view your bill.
Oct 3, 2022UpdateAccountDashboard settings and account administration reorganizedWe have separated Settings, Docs and Support, and account management into distinct menus in the Mux dashboard navigation.
Aug 5, 2022NewAccountMultiple Billing Email AddressesMux now supports adding up to 5 email addresses on the payments page.
Aug 5, 2022NewAccountOkta SSOIf your company uses Okta for Single Sign-On, you can now log into the Mux dashboard using Okta as an SSO provider.
Apr 4, 2022NewAccountNew Billing PagesNo matter what Mux plan you are on - understand your bill, access your invoices and update your payment information through our new, more transparent, billing pages.
Feb 22, 2022NewAccountLog in to Mux with GitHubYou can now use your GitHub login when signing up for a Mux account or signing into the Mux Dashboard.
Dec 1, 2021NewAccountLog in to Mux with GoogleYou can now use your Google login when signing up for a Mux account or signing into the Mux Dashboard.