Create a simulcast target for the parent live stream. Simulcast target can only be created when the parent live stream is in idle state. Only one simulcast target can be created at a time with this API.
curl${LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets \
-d '{"url": "rtmp://", "stream_key": "abcdefgh", "passthrough":"Example"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
Arbitrary user-supplied metadata set by you when creating a simulcast target.
Stream Key represents a stream identifier on the third party live streaming service to send the parent live stream to. Only used for RTMP(s) simulcast destinations.
The RTMP(s) or SRT endpoint for a simulcast destination.
.Note: SRT simulcast targets can only be used when an source is connected over SRT.
The live stream ID
"url": "rtmp://",
"stream_key": "abcdefgh",
"passthrough": "Example"
"data": {
"url": "rtmp://",
"stream_key": "abcdefgh",
"status": "idle",
"passthrough": "Example",
"id": "le1axfGDc9ETqh6trHNTxGQ9XEhj02fOnX0200aAh24fwlmwzqKCYNJgw"