Retrieves the details of the simulcast target created for the parent live stream. Supply the unique live stream ID and simulcast target ID that was returned in the response of create simulcast target request, and Mux will return the corresponding information.
curl${LIVE_STREAM_ID}/simulcast-targets/${SIMULCAST_TARGET_ID} \
-X GET \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
The live stream ID
The ID of the simulcast target.
"data": {
"url": "rtmp://",
"stream_key": "abcdefgh",
"status": "idle",
"passthrough": "Example",
"id": "02FU00rPq00fC9S6kygrqlxygGMdpW1lk00BkFpCfc2kGregEIr7brt7CQ"