Published on May 13, 2021 (almost 4 years ago)

An interview with Maestro: Orchestrating the future of interactive live events

Lynnette NolanEd Ropple
By Lynnette and Ed1 min readCustomers

When sheltering in place has replaced in person gatherings, how do you continue to grow the GDP of the creator economy?

You start by giving creators of all sizes - from music industry enterprises to gaming communities to local houses of worship to celebrity chefs - a platform to design and host engaging, interactive experiences with their audiences.

We sat with Ari Evans, the CEO of Maestro, to talk about how the platform partners with Mux to create compelling video experiences that both engage audiences and enable creators to monetize these experiences with seamless integrations. But you don’t have to be streaming to millions to leverage the benefits of a platform like Maestro. A chef hosting a cooking class can stream from their kitchen, while sharing recipe notes on screen so you can follow along easily from yours.

Ari also gave us a peek into the Maestro experience, walking us through the creator’s process of going from zero to interactive livestream.

Check out the demo and the conversation in the video.

Written By

Lynnette Nolan

Lynnette Nolan – Director of Communications

From flight attending to tech comms, her career has always been in the cloud(s). Her feet are on the ground though, usually chasing after her two pups.

Ed Ropple

Ed Ropple – Sr. Community Engineer

A-little-bit-of-everything software developer and video producer on the DevEx team. The guy you can count on to ask "should we write this in TypeScript" all the time. Remarkably uncomfortable writing in the third person.

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