Mux is the best way to quickly add video to your Next.js application. Mux solves the hard problems with embedding, storing, streaming, and customizing video.
import Video from 'next-video';
import myVideo from '/videos/myVideo.mp4';
export default function Page() {
return <Video src={myVideo} />;
Leverage the latest technology in video streaming, and deliver optimized video to your viewers based on their network environment for the best possible viewing experience
Mux will integrate into whatever app you're building. Drop in the next-video component, integrate with your CMS, or use our APIs to build your own video workflow
Mux Player gives you a customizable, accessible player with features like thumbnails and Chromecast built right in. Need more? You can bring your own HLS-compatible player, too.
Mux Data measures video quality-of-experience metrics, the same way you measure front-end page performance
next-video is a React component for adding video to your Next.js application. It extends both the <video> element and your Next app with features to simplify video uploading, storage, and playback.
To get started...
import Video from 'next-video';
import myVideo from '/videos/my-video.mp4';
export default function Page() {
return <Video src={myVideo} />;
That's it! Check out the docs to learn more.
Want to build your own video workflow? Here's an example of what you can do with the Mux API.
Let's start by creating an upload URL using the Mux Node SDK and the Direct Uploads API. Users will upload to that URL with Mux Uploader:
import Mux from '@mux/mux-node';
import MuxUploader from '@mux/mux-uploader-react';
const mux = new Mux(process.env.MUX_TOKEN_ID, process.env.MUX_TOKEN_SECRET);
export default async function Page() {
const directUpload = await{
new_asset_settings: { playback_policy: ['public'] },
cors_origin: '*',
return <MuxUploader endpoint={directUpload.url} />;
Next, we'll listen for Mux webhooks. When we receive the notification that the video is ready, we'll add it to our database.
export async function POST(request: Request) {
const body = await request.json();
const { type, data } = body
if (type === 'video.asset.ready') {
await saveAssetToDatabase(data);
} else {
/* handle other event types */
return Response.json({ message: 'ok' });
Finally, let's make a playback page. We retrieve the video from our database, and play it by passing its playbackId to Mux Player:
'use client';
import MuxPlayer from '@mux/mux-player-react';
export default async function Page({ params }) {
const asset = getAssetFromDatabase(;
return <MuxPlayer streamType="on-demand" playbackId={} accentColor="#ac39f2" />;
And we've got upload and playback. Nice!
What's next? You can integrate with your CMS. You can optimize your loading experience. Or get started with the docs or an example project below:
You’ve probably seen and used platforms like Egghead, LevelUp Tutorials, or Coursera. This is your starter kit to build something like that with Next.js + Mux. Complete with Github OAuth, the ability to create courses, and progress tracking for viewers.
This is a bare-bones starter application with Next.js that uses: is an open source Next.js application that does:
@MuxHQ was an absolute lifesaver for videos on a previous project. Thumbnails, truly instant play via livestreaming, resizing, whole bit. I’m often skeptical of third-party services but I never could’ve competed with the UX they let me deliver
Noteworthy: @muxhq is SO good! Amazing how fast that upload went…
No credit card required to start using Mux.