Published on April 7, 2021 (almost 4 years ago)

More control and management capabilities across Mux

Bonnie Pecevich
By Bonnie Pecevich1 min readProduct

We’re excited to give all Mux customers an additional layer of control to manage their Mux accounts with Multi-Organization User Access. Now Mux Video and Data customers can work more efficiently and have a central team to administer and operate all of their accounts.

Many of Mux’s larger customers need to support multiple accounts, either across their enterprise or across the users they support. These larger customers use multiple accounts because they need fully segregated configuration, administration, and access across each division or customer.

Some examples of how different types of customers can use this:

  • Enterprise: A broadcaster with multiple, separate business units can access the data and configuration of all their channels.
  • Service Providers: A CDN service provider can ask customers for access to their data in order to monitor the service performance and help them troubleshoot issues.
  • Reseller: Easily access the data and configuration of multiple customers.
  • Agency or Consultancy: Build video applications for different customers and give them access to just their Mux accounts.


Multi-Organization User Access is automatically enabled for all Mux customers at no additional charge. All you need to do is invite users to your organization and it should Just Work™. We hope this makes your workflows easier and more efficient. As usual, let us know how else we can improve the experience of using Mux!

Written By

Bonnie Pecevich

Bonnie Pecevich – Sr. Product Marketing Manager

Focused on go-to-market strategy and developer marketing. Former Brownie Girl Scout and now just brownie eater.

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