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Case study
Improved video experience contributes to +27% increase in user engagement




Content platform


San Diego, CA


Nature media

Mammalz is a community-driven user-generated content platform for all things nature which allows content creators to easily post videos as they interact with wildlife and nature. Founded by biologists-turned-wildlife filmmakers, Rob Whitehair and Alexander Finden, Mammalz aspires to be the “Twitch for Nature”; a mobile- and web-based media streaming and social platform dedicated to nature storytelling and driven by community.

"The Mammalz mission is to reconnect people to nature,” said Mammalz co-founder and CEO Rob Whitehair. “We do that by taking the power that technology has given us by connecting us globally as individuals and transforming that into a sharing community where people feel a sense of belonging, can interact with each other, and can have meaningful conversations.”

LinkPlanning launch for Earth Day

Mammalz first built their app with an online video platform (OVP) and were hoping to launch on Earth Day in April 2020. However, they realized their video solution wasn’t delivering the experience they wanted for their audience.

In fact, the issue was so critical that they halted all growth activities and looked for a new video backend solution just a few months before their planned launch date. The Mammalz team turned to Mux and integrated using the video API just a month before Earth Day.

Mux’s Video API platform provided exactly what Mammalz needed–the ability to deliver videos of any size for iOS and Web with almost no loading time or buffering to viewers anywhere in the world. This ensured Mammalz’s audience would get the best on-demand and live streaming experience that they expected.

"Our video and live streaming on Mammalz was highly inconsistent in performance and quality, especially in low-bandwidth environments, until we integrated Mux. Now, our user experience is faster for our content creators and smoother for our viewers across all environments and devices. I'm incredibly happy to say we can now scale Mammalz with confidence," said Alexander Finden, Mammalz co-founder/COO. 


With Mux, Mammalz was able to launch their web platform on Earth Day without compromising on the video experience.

“Since integrating Mux into the Mammalz iOS and web platform, we’ve experienced a 27% average increase in user engagement per post. We attribute this to the fact that Mux service allows for a much higher quality, uninterrupted viewing experience,” said Mammalz CEO, Rob Whitehair.

In addition to improving the video quality, Mux has also improved users’ experience by decreasing the number of content streaming related crashes by 900%. All this helps to contribute to Mammalz’s mission and enable users to truly feel like they’re getting up close and personal with the natural world.

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