Partners > Videon
Videon makes live video processing and distribution faster and more affordable, with the freedom to process video at source by combining built-in functions on its local video edge computing platform with features from the cloud. Videon has the right tools to develop innovative applications to handle anything from simple, low-latency encoding and streaming to advanced, AI-powered use cases.
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Videon Sales, Chance Mason
chance.mason@videonlabs.comThree market-leading companies, Mux, Videon, and THEOplayer join forces to discuss the current tech and innovations delivering low latency live video to a global audience. Topics include Apple Low Latency HLS: real-world implementation, solutions to improve latency to a global audience, and camera-to-screen nuisances, followed by an exclusive, end-to-end solution demo
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Videon products are the first live streaming hardware with native, direct Mux support. The current method for users to contribute content to Mux is to manually set up a generic RTMP output from a streaming device. This requires many extra steps, including:
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