Published on April 30, 2020 (almost 5 years ago)

Actually, now is the time to join Mux

Jon Dahl
By Jon Dahl4 min readCompany

A year ago, I wrote a blog post called Now is the right time to join Mux. I want to apologize for that blog post. In it, I asserted that April of 2019 was the right time to join Mux. It turns out I was wrong, and the time to join Mux is actually now.

We’re continuing to grow quickly. A year, ago, I posted this chart:

(Mux revenue growth - January 2017 - March 2019)

Rescaling it for another 12 months of growth, here is what our ARR now looks like:

Growth isn't nearly the most important reason to join a company, though. There are plenty of companies that are growing quickly, but that doesn't mean you should join any of them.

So why join Mux at all? And why now, in 2020?

  1. Be part of the solution. Video is one of the things that helps during a crisis like COVID-19. Mux is powering homeschooling platforms, home fitness platforms, public health information for governments, work-from-home tools, and online events. Overall video traffic on Mux is up about 100% since the beginning of March 2020. We were growing before this, so it's not all COVID-related, but some of it is.
  2. Work on hard (hard) problems. Online video is challenging. We have no lack of hard technical problems to work on, as any engineer at Mux will tell you, from monitoring billions of video views to distributed video storage systems to efficient cloud transcoding. If you're an engineer looking for a place to be stretched, learn, and grow, we might be a fit. If you're looking for a place you can skate by, there are other startups out there with much easier problems to solve.
  3. We’re a great place to work (officially). The San Francisco Business Times named us one of the Best Places to Work for 2020. We care about culture and values, and get along well (most of the time). Our team is top-notch, and people generally like it here.
  4. Video is a great industry. Everyone connects with video. Video is the #1 use of time online, and the #3 thing humans do with their time overall (after sleeping and working). This makes our work important; if humans spend so much time watching video, how we do our job matters.
  5. We have big ambitions. Online video is still in its adolescence, and is growing and changing quickly. We're building the platform that developers will use to power the next 10 years of online video growth. If we succeed, you'll be an early member of an internet-changing company.

We’re always interested in good people, but we have a few specific needs right now. If you’re a fit for any of these, get in touch!

  • Distributed Systems Engineers: build complex distributed systems with Golang and K8s. We’re looking for senior people who can be productive on day 1. Video experience a plus but not required.
  • Full Stack Engineers: work on dashboards, developer experience, and scalable APIs in React and Elixir. Solve hard problems like data visualization and billing.
  • Product Design: work closely with product to understand customer needs, and work closely with engineering to design and build solutions. We value design and strive for it to be a differentiator.
  • Developer Advocacy: build software, help developers, and write blog posts. We’re looking for productive developers who are excited to work on a wide range of problems.
  • Solution Engineering: work closely with customers as they build on the Mux platform. Experience with video technology a big plus.
  • Enterprise Account Executives: help us continue to grow by hunting and farming large accounts. Experience with video a plus.
  • Customer Success: one of our core values is "turn customers into fans," and customer success is often the front line. We're looking for someone to join our London team who understands developers, video, or both.

So again, let me apologize for jumping the gun last year. 2019 was a great time to join Mux and all, but now is the time.

For real this time - promise. At least until next year.

Written By

Jon Dahl

Jon Dahl – Co-founder, CEO

Co-founder and CEO at Mux. Former founder (Zencoder), ex-software developer, ex-philosophy grad student. Makes better BBQ than code these days.

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