Published on November 1, 2019 (over 5 years ago)

Mux Contributor Program

Dylan Jhaveri
By Dylan Jhaveri1 min readCompany

Mux officially has a contributor program! We have a lot of open source repos and we love accepting contributions from outside developers.

One obvious place to contribute is our open sourced API SDKs for major languages like Ruby, Go, Python, PhP, Elixir and Node. All of these SDKs are officially supported wrappers around our HTTP API.

In addition to our SDKs, we even have an examples repo which is a great place to get started with using Mux. We <3 accepting PRs into the examples repo.

What do you get in return if you contribute? Good question! Well, for starters we'll send you a Mux Contributor swag kit. I must say, our swag kit is pretty awesome-we have dope socks, shirts, stickers and other goodies that our fans constantly rave about.

And if you're a baby (developers these days, they keep getting younger and younger) we have your size too.

In addition to swag we'll mention your name and company in the relevant ReadMe docs and we'll throw some Mux credit into your account. This is really only the baseline for minor pull requests, if you go above and beyond we'll send you something special.

Find more information about the Mux Contributor Program on our open source page:

Mux Open Source Page

Written By

Dylan Jhaveri

Dylan Jhaveri – Director of Self Service

Software Engineer and cold water surfer. Previously startup co-founder. Trying to find the best cheeseburger in San Francisco.

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