Published on April 26, 2024 (11 months ago)

Here's everything we launched in Spring 2024

Dave Kiss
By Dave Kiss5 min readProduct

Birds are chirping, flowers are in bloom, my allergy pills are at the ready, and new features are flying out the door. That can only mean one thing.

It's Mux Launch Week for Spring 2024!

Each day this week, we shared the latest from the Muxiverse to help you build out professional video integrations into your apps.

Let’s kick things off by looking back at the swath of brand new video content that we put out over the past few weeks:

Launch week roundup - now in video!

LinkDay 1/5: Video content galore 🎬

That it…? Nope.

We also dropped some brand new video tutorials to help make your apps event more polished:

Phew, that's a lot of video! And, that was only Monday.

LinkDay 2/5: SRT is now generally available ⚡️

Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) makes your live stream delivery more… reliable, especially when your network conditions get spotty.

How does it work? Pure magic. Well, that, and a few technical implementations as well. Phil breaks it all down in this SRT explainer video:

Check out the blog post about the GA of SRT and learn how to start using it in your apps today.

LinkSo, is this the end for RTMP?

Nope, the old workhorse ain’t done yet. If you're not sure which live streaming protocol to use, Bobby wrote a great breakdown of the different live ingest protocols and how to choose the right one for your use case.

LinkDay 3/5: Mux Data releases 📈

Video data can help you and your users understand how your videos are performing — and how to improve your video performance over time.

Mux Data can track every single video view that occurs on your content, giving you and your users the visibility you need to make actionable decisions.

In this partner stream with Tinybird, we show you how to set up an in-app UGC analytics pipeline in one hour.

Combining Mux Data with Tinybird enables multi-tenant charts for your application to give your users a good idea of their video metrics.

What if you happen to be running your own video pipeline outside of Mux Video?

Mux Data can provide the observability and monitoring that you need to ensure everything is performing swimmingly for your viewers (and, to correct issues when they inevitably hit a snag.)

Let’s look at a few new features in Mux Data that can help uncover important details in your streaming infrastructure:

LinkAd performance metrics 📺

Ads are a big part of any streaming service. Ad metrics help you understand how your ads are performing (and what you can tweak to make them even better)

LinkLive stream latency 🐇

Live stream latency metrics give you a glimpse at how… live your live streams really are.

This metric can help you track down latency within your pipeline and see how latency correlates with audience engagement.

LinkAdvanced metrics filtering 🔎

Metrics filtering lets you drill down to specific configurations and environments to see how videos are performing under exact criteria.

Check out the comprehensive details for all of the latest Mux Data happenings over in Sarah’s summary blog post.

LinkDay 4/5: Pricing updates 🏷️

LinkFirst up: meet the Mux Starter plan

Put $10 in. Get $100 of Mux usage out.

It can be tough to justify spending money on an idea or business when you’re just starting out.

We want to be there with you in those gritty moments of exploration — because that’s where all great ideas are born.

Meg took some time to break this new plan down. Give it a read and see if that sounds like a fit for your existing biz, new idea, or side project.

That’s not all. In addition, please meet…

LinkMux’s infamous $5 forgiveness

If your invoice is less than $5 for a month, we won’t charge you for that invoice. Simple as that. No need to nickel and dime our way to success. When you do well, we do well.

We’ve also introduced pricing levers like baseline encoding and cold storage to help you manage your video spend and keep costs under control.

Finally, there's a brand new deep-dive pricing guide that explores every corner of our approach to billing

Read up on Heff's post on why we still price in minutes for video ⏱️

Whew. That was a lot. And I still need to order and spread the mulch…

Written By

Dave Kiss

Dave Kiss – Senior Community Engineering Lead

Was: solo-developreneur. Now: developer community person. Happy to ride a bike, hike a hike, high-five a hand, and listen to spa music.

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