Published on March 11, 2025

New data dimensions: More ways to analyze your video QoE

Ashley Cutler
By Ashley Cutler2 min readProduct

At Mux we're obsessed with giving you the tools you need to understand and improve your viewers' experience. That's why we're excited to announce 16 new standard dimensions for Mux Data Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics, making it easier to analyze playback performance, track feature adoption, and understand viewer categories.

These new dimensions help you connect the dots between your technology stack and viewer experience. Want to know if your latest app version improved performance? Need to understand if a specific video codec is causing issues? Curious how subscriber experience compares to free trials? We've got you covered.

LinkWhat's new?

All new standard dimensions are available as filters and breakdown values in the Mux Metrics Dashboard and API.

LinkTechnology dimensions

  • Application Name — Track metrics across multiple applications or partner platforms
  • Application Version — Identify if specific versions contribute to changes in QoE metrics
  • Audio Codec — Monitor performance differences between audio codec(s), including advanced audio codecs
  • Video Codec — Use when experimenting with different codecs in your content library
  • Video Dynamic Range — Correlate playback issues or track adoption of specific dynamic range formats

LinkPlayback features

  • DRM Level — Use in conjunction with DRM Type to understand security levels across viewing sessions
  • Used Captions — Track captions utilization during playback
  • Used PIP — Monitor picture-in-picture usage during viewing sessions
  • Time Shift Enabled — Distinguish content where viewers could scrub behind the live edge of the stream

LinkNetwork dimensions

  • CDN Origin — Track QoE metrics across multiple origins
  • CDN Edge PoP — Identify if a specific Point of Presence is experiencing technical challenges

LinkViewer categories

  • Affiliate — Helpful for tracking performance across your network of affiliates
  • Brand — Flexible metadata representing specific brands relevant to your business
  • Viewer Plan — Track QoE across different subscription plans
  • Viewer Plan Status — Monitor experience differences between subscribers, non-subscribers, free trials, etc
  • Viewer Plan Category — Distinguish between plan types or bundles like premium, discount, referral, or partner

LinkGet started today

You can read more about configuring these fields in our Metadata guide.

Not sure how to use these dimensions? Reach out to your account team — we're always happy to help you get the most from your QoE data.

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