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Make your dimensions actionable with metadata

Configure metadata with your SDK in order to populate dimensions to search, filter and segment your video performance metrics.

One of Mux Data's core concepts are dimensions, which are the attributes of a video view that you can use to search, filter, and segment your video performance metrics.

While some of these dimensions are tracked automatically, Mux Data allows you to provide details about the video and environment that either can't be detected automatically, can't be accessed if the video fails to load, or should be overridden.

Each dimension corresponds with a metadata key which can be used to set these values. While all metadata details except for env_key are optional, some may be necessary to calculate certain metrics and you'll see more helpful results as you include more.

Dimension Details

Each dimension is either considered basic or advanced. All dimensions are available for the standard retention period of 100 days. Long Term Metrics only support basic dimensions. If you are interested in Long Term Metrics, please reach out to Mux Support.

Long Term Metrics are available on the Custom Media Plan. Learn more about Mux Data Plans.

Many of Mux Data's dimensions are scoped to specific categories. Based on the category, they may have different behavior in terms of how these details are updated.

  • Video details (prepended by video_) describe the current video that's playing and are all reset automatically when changing the video. This metadata might come from your internal CMS or video management system.
  • Player details (prepended by player_) describe the player configuration that's being used and should be set whenever monitoring is started on a new player. They do not reset when the video is changed.
  • All other details will persist until explicitly changed.

There are three types of dimensions based on their availability.

Tracking: Enables tracking of additional metrics but are unavailble as dimensions.

Limited: Appear as attributes of a view on the individual view page as well as in the API.

Full: Can be used as filters and breakdowns in aggregate reports, in the video view page and in the API.

High Priority Configurable Metadata

The following dimensions are the most important fields whose metadata keys you should populate in order to get the basic functionality from Mux Data.

Note about viewer_user_id

For viewer_user_id you should not use any value that is personally identifiable on its own (such as email address, username, etc.). Instead, you should supply an anonymized viewer ID which you have stored within your own system.

Dimension NameKey NameUnitTypeLevelDescription
Environmentenv_keyUnique IDRequiredN/AYour env key from the Mux dashboard. This field ensures that your data goes into the correct environment. Note this was previously named property_key
Video IDvideo_idTextFullbasicYour internal ID for the video. Defaults to the Mux External ID if enabled for Assets and Livestreams hosted by Mux.
Video Titlevideo_titleTextFullbasicTitle of the video being played (e.g.: Awesome Show: Pilot). Defaults to the Mux Video Title if enabled for Assets and Livestreams hosted by Mux.
Viewer IDviewer_user_idUnique IDFulladvAn ID representing the viewer who is watching the stream. Use this to look up video views for an individual viewer. If no value is specified, a unique ID will be generated by the SDK. Note: You should not use any value that is personally identifiable on its own (such as email address, username, etc.). Instead, you should supply an anonymized viewer ID which you have stored within your own system.

Optional Configurable Metadata

The following dimensions can be set manually using the metadata key name and will be reported by Mux Data.

Dimension NameKey NameUnitTypeLevelDescription
Audio Codecaudio_codecTextFulladvThe codec of the audio that played during the view.
CDNvideo_cdnTextFullbasicThe Content Delivery Network used to deliver the video. If using an SDK that supports CDN header extraction, this value will be auto-populated.
CDN Edge PoPview_cdn_edge_popTextFulladvRegion where the CDN edge point of presence server is located or other origin server identification.
Content Typevideo_content_typeTextFullbasicThe type of content: short, movie, episode, clip, trailer, or event
Client Application Nameclient_application_nameTextFulladvName of the customer application that the viewer is using to watch the content. e.g 'OurBrand iOS App'
Client Application Versionclient_application_versionTextFulladvVersion of the customer application that the viewer is using to view the content.
DRM Typeview_drm_typeTextFulladvThe DRM SDK or service that is used for the video playback, such as widevine or playready
DRM Levelview_drm_levelTextFulladvSecurity level of the specific DRM type. Some DRM types do not have levels.
Durationvideo_durationMillisecondsLimitedadvThe length of the video in milliseconds
Dynamic Range Typevideo_dynamic_range_typeTextFulladvThe format or type of dynamic range available on the video during the view.
Encoding Variantvideo_encoding_variantTextFulladvAllows you to compare different encoders or encoding settings. This could designate the encoder used (e.g. x264, hevc, or av1), the preset used (e.g. av1-0, av1-4, or av1-8), or other properties of the encoding you want to track.
Experiment Nameexperiment_nameTextFulladvYou can use this field to separate views into different experiments, if you would like to filter by this dimension later. This should be a string value, but your account is limited to a total of 10 unique experiment names, so be sure that this value is not generated dynamically or randomly.
Originview_cdn_originTextFulladvIdentifying name of the Content Origin or Region where the Origin server is located.
Page Typepage_typeTextFulladvProvide the context of the page for more specific analysis. Values include watchpage, iframe, or leave empty. watchpage — A web page that is dedicated to playing a specific video (for example or iframe — An iframe specifically used to embed a player on different sites/pages
Player Initialization Timeplayer_init_timeMilliseconds since EpochTrackingN/AIf you are explicitly loading your player in page (perhaps as a response to a user interaction), include the timestamp (milliseconds since Jan 1 1970) when you initialize the player (or for HTML5 video, when right before you add the element to the DOM) in order to accurately track page load time and player startup time.
Player Nameplayer_nameTextFullbasicYou can provide a name for the player (e.g. My Player) if you want to compare different configurations or types of players around your site or application. This is different from the player software (e.g. Video.js), which is tracked automatically by the SDK.
Player Versionplayer_versionTextFulladvAs you make changes to your player you can compare how new versions of your player perform (e.g. 1.2.0). This is not the player software version (e.g. Video.js 5.0.0), which is tracked automatically by the SDK.
Sub Property IDsub_property_idTextFullbasicA sub property is an optional way to group data within a property. For example, sub properties may be used by a video platform to group data by its own customers, or a media company might use them to distinguish between its many websites.
Time Shift Enabledview_time_shift_enabledTextFulladvBoolean indicating if this view had time_shift enabled.
Used Captionsplayer_captions_enabledTextFulladvBoolean indicating if the player used captions at any time during the view.
Used PiPplayer_pip_enabledTextFulladvBoolean indicating if the player used Picture in Picture at any time during the view.
Video Affiliatevideo_affiliateTextFulladvAffiliate station that the viewer is watching or associated with the viewer.
Video Brandvideo_brandTextFulladvBrand associated with the video or the brand of the streaming platform the viewer is using to watch the video.
Video Codecvideo_codecTextFulladvThe codec of the video that played during the view.
Video Languagevideo_language_codeTextLimitedadvThe audio language of the video, assuming it's unchangeable after playing.
Video Producervideo_producerTextLimitedadvThe producer of the video title
Video Seriesvideo_seriesTextFullbasicThe series of the video (e.g.: Season 1)
Video Stream Typevideo_stream_typeTextFullbasicThe type of video stream (e.g: live or on-demand)
View Session IDview_session_idUnique IDFulladvAn ID that can be used to correlate the view with platform services upstream such as CDN or origin logs.
Video Variant Namevideo_variant_nameTextLimitedadvAllows you to monitor issues with the files of specific versions of the content, for example different audio translations or versions with hard-coded/burned-in subtitles.
Video Variant IDvideo_variant_idTextLimitedadvYour internal ID for a video variant
View Droppedview_droppedBooleanFulladvBoolean indicating whether the view was finalized without an explicit viewend event.
Viewer Planviewer_planTextFulladvName of the viewer's customer-specific plan, product, or subscription.
Viewer Plan Statusviewer_plan_statusTextFulladvStatus pertaining to that viewer's subscription plan (e.g. subscriber, non-subscriber, SVOD, AVOD, free, standard, premium).
Viewer Plan Categoryviewer_plan_categoryTextFulladvCategory of the viewer's customer-specific subscription plan (e.g. bundle-type, subscription-campaign-id).
Custom Dimensionscustom_1 - 10TextFulladvCustomer-defined metadata

Overridable Metadata

The following dimensions are populated automatically where the data is supported by the SDK. This data can be overridden by the SDK client implementation using the metadata key name, if needed.

Dimension NameKey NameUnitTypeLevelDescription
Autoplayplayer_autoplayBooleanFulladvIndicates whether the player was set to autoplay the video or not. This tracks whether the video has autoplay=true set; it is not always able to tell if the browser disregarded the setting, otherwise prevented the video from playing, or if the video play was triggered via a script.
BrowserbrowserTextFullbasicBrowser used for the video view (Safari, Chrome, etc.). On Android and iOS applications this defaults to the bundle identifier. NB: (viewer_application_name)
Browser Versionbrowser_versionVersionFulladvBrowser version (e.g. 66.0.3359.158). On Android and iOS applications this defaults to the bundle version. NB: (viewer_application_version)
CDNcdnTextFulladvCDN delivering the video, either detected by Mux (via response X-CDN header) or specified in the view as video_cdn. Specifying a video_cdn value on the view does not override the detected value, if the X-CDN value is set on the segment response headers.
Connection Typeviewer_connection_typeTextFulladvThe type of connection used by the player, as reported by the client when available: cellular, other, wifi, wired
Device Brandviewer_device_manufacturerTextFullbasicDevice Manufacturer (e.g. Apple, Microsoft, etc.)
Device Categoryviewer_device_categoryTextFullbasicThe form factor of the device: camera, car browser, console, desktop, feature phone, peripheral, phone, portable media player, smart display, smart speaker, tablet, tv, wearable
Device Modelviewer_device_modelTextFulladvDevice Model (e.g. iPhone11,2)
Device Nameviewer_device_nameTextFullbasicDevice Name (e.g. iPhone 12)
Error Codeplayer_error_codeTextFullbasicError code encountered by the player during playback.
Operating Systemoperating_systemTextFullbasicOperating System (iOS, Windows, etc.) NB: (viewer_os_family)
Operating System Versionoperating_system_versionVersionFulladvOperating System version (e.g. 10.6) NB: (viewer_os_version)
Page URLpage_urlURLLimitedadvPage URL
Player Heightplayer_heightIntegerLimitedadvHeight of the player as displayed, in logical pixels
Player Instance IDplayer_instance_idUnique IDLimitedadvIdentifies the instance of the Player class that is created when a video is initialized
Player Languageplayer_languageTextLimitedadvPlayer's text language
Player Posterplayer_posterURLLimitedadvThe image shown as the pre-visualization before play
Player Softwareplayer_software_nameTextFullbasicPlayer Software being used to play the Video (e.g. Video.js, JW Player, etc.). Note this was previously named player_software
Player Software Versionplayer_software_versionTextFulladvPlayer Software Version (e.g. 2.45.5)
Player Widthplayer_widthIntegerLimitedadvWidth of the player as displayed, in logical pixels
Preloadplayer_preloadBooleanLimitedadvSpecifies if the player was configured to load the video when the page loads.
Remote Playedplayer_remote_playedBooleanFulladvIf the video is remote played to AirPlay as specified by the SDK.
Source Heightplayer_source_heightIntegerLimitedadvHeight of the source video being sent to the player, in pixels
Source Widthplayer_source_widthIntegerLimitedadvWidth of the source video being as seen by the player
Source Typesource_typeTextLimitedbasicFormat of the source, as determined by the player. E.g. application/dash+xml, x-application/mpegUrl, mp4, etc.
Used Full Screenused_fullscreenBooleanLimitedadvIndicates whether the viewer used full screen to watch the video.
Video Creator IDvideo_creator_idTextFulladvA unique identifier for the creator of the video. Defaults to the Mux Creator ID if enabled for Assets and Livestreams hosted by Mux.

Internal Metadata

The following dimensions are populated automatically by the SDK, and cannot be overriden by the SDK client implementation.

Dimension NameUnitTypeLevelDescription
ASNBooleanFulladvThe Autonomous System Number (ASN) representing the network provider of the viewer.
Continent CodeTextFullbasicThe continent from which the video was accessed, represented as a code.
CountryTextFulladvThe country from which the video was accessed, represented as a country code.
Exited Before Video StartBooleanFullbasicIndicates whether the viewer exited before the video started playing.
Mux Asset IDUnique IDFullbasicA unique identifier for the video asset being played.
Mux Live Stream IDUnique IDFullbasicThe unique identifier of the live stream being played.
Mux Playback IDTextFullbasicA unique identifier for the video view.
Mux PluginTextFulladvThe name of the Mux plugin used by the video player.
Mux Plugin VersionTextFulladvThe version of the Mux plugin used by the video player.
Playback Business ExceptionBooleanFulladvIndicates whether a business rule-related issue caused playback failure.
Playback FailureBooleanFulladvIndicates whether the playback failed for any reason.
RegionTextFulladvThe specific region or state where the video was accessed.
Source HostnameTextFulladvThe hostname of the video source, such as the CDN or media server.
Video Startup FailureBooleanFullbasicIndicates whether the video failed to start due to an error.
Video Startup Business ExceptionBooleanFulladvIndicates whether a business rule-related issue caused a video startup failure.
View Has AdBooleanFullbasicIndicates whether the video view included an ad.

Set Metadata with Session Data

Metadata is normally set using code in the SDK configuration. However, some video metadata can also be set using Session Data key/value pairs in the HLS manifest. This method makes it easier to communicate values to the Mux player SDK without having to side-channel information to the client or change client-side code in order to configure metadata for a view.

Some common use cases where this is helpful are, for example, setting a view session id that comes from a backend system which can be used to associate a playback view with the requests that were made to a CDN or being able to easily capture which experiments a viewer is participating in without having to communicate that to the player.

HLS Session Data, which is represented in an HLS master playlist using the EXT-X-SESSION-DATA tag, is a key/value pair that can be read by the player. When the master playlist is loaded into a video player integrated with a Mux Data SDK that supports extracting Session Data, the Session Data keys that use the prefix will be included in the Mux Data view as dimension metadata the same as if you had configured the value from the SDK configuration code.

Note about HLS Session Data for developers using Mux Video:

This feature is intended for developers using their own custom video delivery pipeline. HLS Session Data is set by Mux Video when videos are viewed; injecting your own HLS Session Data into Mux Video content is not currently supported.

The Session Data tags are interpreted as follows from the master playlist:

Key: DATA-ID="[dimension_name]"
Value: VALUE="dimension value"

The dimension names available to be set from the master playlist:

  • video_*
  • custom_*
  • experiment_name
  • view_session_id
  • viewer_user_id

The following is an example of Session Data tags in a master playlist:




The Session Data tags contained in a master playlist would result in the Experiment Name dimension set to abr_test:true and View Session ID dimension set to 12345ABCD.

We're aware of a crash that may occur in AVPlayer Data SDK versions 2.12.0 - 3.5.0 when processing HLS Session Data that is prefixed with AVPlayer Data SDK integrations that process HLS Session Data not prefixed with are not affected. Custom integrations that use the Objective-C MuxCore SDK and do not depend on the AVPlayer Data SDK are not affected.

iOS/Android Metadata

In iOS and Android SDKs, names are converted to lowerCamelCase setters and getters. For example, to set the Video Stream Type field in iOS or Android, use videoStreamType instead of video_stream_type.

In the Objective-C SDKs, options are provided via the MUXSDKCustomerPlayerData, MUXSDKCustomerVideoData, MUXSDKCustomerViewData, and MUXSDKCustomData objects. See the header directories for a complete list of names:

In the Java SDK, options are provided via the CustomerPlayerData, CustomerVideoData, and CustomData objects. Use your IDE to inspect these objects' API.

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