Published on September 1, 2023 (over 1 year ago)

The last 6 months for Mux Data: big events, big data, big updates

Jon Dahl
By Jon Dahl4 min readCompany

What’s kept us busy with Mux Data over the last 6 months:

1. Record-setting scale: Over the last 6 months, we’ve monitored more than 80 events larger than the Super Bowl.

When you’re a startup working in video infra, sometimes you talk about reaching Super Bowl scale. We’re privileged to have worked on most Super Bowls over the last 6 years. Our first one was tough; an analytics product monitoring millions of concurrent video players isn’t easy to scale. Our second, third, and fourth were easier.

This year we blew past that scale, setting records for handling the largest streaming events in the world — and handling a record number of them. Mux Data is now the go-to solution to monitor live sporting events, at any scale.

2. One-minute metrics granularity: Our Metrics system in Mux Data can be used to understand performance across weeks, days, and hours.

Previously, the most granular queries you could run were for 10-minute increments. Meanwhile, our real-time Monitoring system has always looked at what’s happening right now in five-second increments. Providing one-minute metrics granularity helps bridge the gap between real-time monitoring and historical metrics.

3. CMCD: We’ve been supporters of the Common Media Data Client since early discussions at FOMS many years ago. Using CMCD, customers are able to link their client-side player data with their CDN data, which allows for deeper insight that traces video streaming performance from the front end to the back end.

Our goal is to make this powerful workflow as easy as possible by providing data exports and APIs to join with CDN logs via CMCD and by partnering with the CDNs that our customers use in order to support CMCD end-to-end.

4. APIs and exports: Mux Data has always been built to give our customers ownership and control over their data. If you’re using Mux Data, you almost certainly use other data systems somewhere, like Snowflake or Redshift. Mux Data is fully API powered and integrates with third-party data systems in multiple ways. This means our customers have complete control to correlate Mux Data with other data sources to improve on their KPIs, whether performance or engagement related.

Over the last 6 months, we’ve invested more in our APIs and export options, adding things like streaming view exports via Kinesis or Pub/Sub, new JSON APIs (in addition to the previous protobuf format), and new time granularity options for our real-time monitoring API.

5. 80% growth: Even when you exclude the 80-plus larger-than-Super-Bowl events, Mux Data usage has grown by 80% in the last 6 months.

The last two years have been tough for the streaming video industry. The end of quarantine pulled a lot of people away from their screens, which is good. But combined with a tech recession, the world of online video has seen growth slow and profits tumble.

In spite of that, we’ve been privileged to grow even during this hard time, thanks to an increasing number of major companies using Mux Data around the world.

6. Everything else: New metrics, new filters, improvements to our user permissions system, and more.

If you’re interested in more details on any of this, we’ll be at IBC in Amsterdam in a few weeks. Stop by our booth or get in touch to schedule a meeting if you’ll be there!

Written By

Jon Dahl

Jon Dahl – Co-founder, CEO

Co-founder and CEO at Mux. Former founder (Zencoder), ex-software developer, ex-philosophy grad student. Makes better BBQ than code these days.

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