Senior Open Source Engineer
Coder, mnmalist, perf junkie and big into UI and video tech. Austinite originally from Belgium who loves exploring and biking. Jumping sheep hills once in a while at 9th Street BMX Park.
Published on May 21, 2024 (10 months ago)
Tailwind CSS and Web Components are incredible tools for rapidly building in HTML. Let's see how, by building an audio player with Media Chrome.
Published on March 28, 2024 (12 months ago)
Algorithms like BlurHash and ThumbHash are popular ways to render small, blurry images while the full-size images load, but are they necessary on the web?
Published on July 27, 2022 (over 2 years ago)
Here at Mux, we want to empower our users to make the most of our platform. Using web components to build out our Mux elements collection seemed like the most developer-friendly way to do that.