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The Mux Blog

We're a team of engineers, marketers, designers, all passionate about video and the work we create together. Welcome to our blog about video.

The Low Latency Live Streaming Landscape in 2019

Published on January 23, 2019 (about 6 years ago)

The Low Latency Live Streaming Landscape in 2019

Phil Cluff
By Phil Cluff21 min readVideo news

One of the hot topics of NAB, IBC, and Demuxed last year was “low latency” live video streaming. In this post we’ll examine the spectrum of different latencies that users experience, discuss the use ca...

Published on November 21, 2018 (over 6 years ago)

Video Analytics Series Part 1: Rebuffering

Ben Dodson
By Ben Dodson9 min readVideo news

Mux receives over a billion video views each month through Mux Data, and we recently spent some time looking at the most important metrics, such as rebuffering percentage, time to first frame, and vide...

Streaming video teardown: Twitch vs. Amazon Prime for Thursday Night Football

Published on November 15, 2018 (over 6 years ago)

Streaming video teardown: Twitch vs. Amazon Prime for Thursday Night Football

Phil Cluff
By Phil Cluff23 min readVideo news

Growing up in England I’ll openly admit that American Football isn’t my first choice of sport, however, by anyone's standards, American Football is huge. Last year Amazon started live streaming Thursda...

90% of YouTube viewers don’t care about video quality

Published on October 30, 2018 (over 6 years ago)

90% of YouTube viewers don’t care about video quality

Phil Cluff
By Phil Cluff14 min readVideo news

(and 4 other things we learned at Demuxed 2018) Last week was the annual Demuxed conference. Demuxed is a conference designed by, and for developers working with video. This year for the first time, i...

Published on August 14, 2018 (over 6 years ago)

Per-title encoding @ Scale

Matthew McClure
By Matthew McClure17 min readVideo news

The venerable Nick Chadwick spoke at Facebook's Video @Scale about Mux's approach to per-title encoding using machine learning. If you missed @ Scale, here's a recording of the talk along with a transc...

android graffiti

Published on June 27, 2017 (over 7 years ago)

Do Androids Watch Videos of Electric Sheep? How Bots React to Web Video

Scott Kidder
By Scott Kidder12 min readVideo news

Philip K. Dick’s classic science-fiction story “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” confronted mankind's need to differentiate living things and machines. While it’s currently easy for us to make thi...

YouTube and the independent production studios of tomorrow

Published on May 30, 2017 (almost 8 years ago)

YouTube and the independent production studios of tomorrow

Eliot Miller
By Eliot Miller16 min readVideo news

YouTube is where the production studios of tomorrow are honing their skills, but they aren’t going to stay there forever.

Rebuffering: The Most Frustrating and Frequent Problem for Video Consumers

Published on May 8, 2017 (almost 8 years ago)

Rebuffering: The Most Frustrating and Frequent Problem for Video Consumers

Eliot Miller
By Eliot Miller3 min readVideo news

Users said the most frustrating problem was when the video stalled or had to rebuffer. This is not surprising as buffering can cause a huge drop in viewers.

ISPs and Publishers get the blame for video streaming problems

Published on May 2, 2017 (almost 8 years ago)

ISPs and Publishers get the blame for video streaming problems

Eliot Miller
By Eliot Miller3 min readVideo news

For Slow Load Times and Rebuffering consumers mostly blamed their ISP and their Wi-Fi, however the difference between these results is a very fine line.

How do users feel about video streaming quality on their TVs?

Published on April 20, 2017 (almost 8 years ago)

How do users feel about video streaming quality on their TVs?

Jon Dahl
By Jon Dahl3 min readVideo news

We focused our survey on one type of content: video streamed to a television, using a service like Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, or WatchESPN.