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Posts about AI

A deeply confused, yet well-intentioned robot, throwing up his arms in confusion

Published on September 6, 2024

Darius Cepulis
By Darius Cepulis7 min readEngineeringAI

We can learn a lot about the current state of large language models by talking about why we chose not to use an AI chatbot on our documentation site.

Published on August 15, 2024 (22 days ago)

Dylan Jhaveri
By Dylan Jhaveri5 min readEngineeringAI

Examples of how to use Mux with AI tools like OpenAI and Claude3 to generate video chapters, translation and dubbing and summarization and tagging.

A player showing a video of two people talking. The people are labeled with their names, Matt and Nick. Below the player, a graphical representation of a transcript.

Published on August 15, 2024 (22 days ago)

Darius Cepulis
By Darius Cepulis11 min readEngineeringAI

Build an interactive transcript with Mux Player CuePoints and AI. Use AI for caption generation, Speaker diarization (identification), and text formatting.

Graphical representation of a recipe book opened to 4 recipes described in the post with a bookmark in the middle and tabs on the side.

Published on July 9, 2024 (about 2 months ago)

Matthew McClure
Adam Jaggard
By Matthew and Adam6 min readProductAI

The best AI + Mux recipes for building automatic video translation and dubbing, chaptering, moderation, and summarization and tagging of videos.

On a yellow background, an image depicting video chapters. Highlights "Chapter 2: Coffee".

Published on June 27, 2024 (2 months ago)

Adam Jaggard
By Adam Jaggard6 min readProduct & EngineeringAI

Chaptering your video just got easier. Learn how to use auto-generated captions and AI to add chapters to your videos in Mux Player.

Image of a phone with 2 people talking and captions at the bottom of the screen. To the left of the phone is a line connecting the phone to a box with the closed caption symbol.

Published on January 31, 2024 (7 months ago)

Colton Karoses
By Colton Karoses7 min readEngineeringAI

AI models like Whisper and OpenCLIP are making image tagging and speech-to-text transcription, two tasks that once required a team of PhDs, seem trivial — but, whew, are they expensive! …Or are they? ...

image of a video file connected to a gear connoted to a the closed captions symbol

Published on October 3, 2023 (11 months ago)

Mike Smith
By Mike Smith4 min readProductAI

Auto-generated captions for on-demand videos, using OpenAI's Whisper model, are now available in beta. Easily add captions to your on-demand videos today.

An AI-generated photo of an automaton using a Wacom tablet at a dimly-lit desk in a dusty workshop

Published on April 17, 2023 (over 1 year ago)

Dave Kiss
By Dave Kiss8 min readEngineeringAI

You’ve created some video content! High five! …Now comes the slog.  Do you have all your tweets written? Is your companion blog post ready to go? Do you have your Open Graph image designed? What about ...

Published on August 18, 2021 (about 3 years ago)

Dylan Jhaveri
By Dylan Jhaveri10 min readEngineeringAI

Learn how to build an automated content moderation workflow with Mux Video and (including an open source example)