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Custom JavaScript integration

This is a guide for building a custom JavaScript integration with Mux Data. Build a custom integration if Mux does not already have an SDK for your player.

Mux has a pre-built integration with many HTML5-based video players that are available in the market. Check the SDKs in the Track your video performance guide to see if there is not a pre-built integration for your player.

If there is no integration for a given player, you can install the Mux core JavaScript library (mux-embed) and build a custom Mux Data integration.

Before proceeding, read the following overview: Building a Custom Integration.

In addition, Mux has made available a template repository. This repo is intended to provide the basics for creating a working integration, after implementing the necessary callbacks and methods.

Include the mux-embed library

Install via yarn or npm (preferred)

Mux utilizes NPM to distribute the core Mux library, mux-embed. This library includes the internal state machine for tracking playback, as well as helper methods that may be useful while building the integration. Include mux-embed via yarn or npm, whichever you prefer.

yarn add mux-embed

This will add mux-embed as a dependency to your package, and will allow you to upgrade it at any time as new versions are released. Mux follows the semver standard, so updates within a major version will not have any breaking changes.

Load from the CDN (not preferred)

If you do not use a package manager, you can include the source file from directly in a vendor folder. The script has been built to support npm/yarn, but will also work in a standalone environment.

In either case, once the script is included in your library, you can import it as follows:

import mux from 'mux-embed';

// mux.log - logs message
// mux.utils - includes multiple helper methods for massaging data

Initialize the SDK

Loading and importing mux will initialize the SDK. However, for each new player that is being tracked, you need to initialize the SDK for that player. This is done by calling

mux.init(playerID, options);

The core mux library can track multiple players at once, so it is important to pass in a unique player ID for each player that you want to track. This ID is going to be used in all future calls to the mux library for each player.

The init method also takes an optional options JSON object. This JSON object supports the following keys:

debugNobooleanControls whether debug log statements are logged to the console
getPlayheadTimeYesfunctionCallback for playhead position (see below)
getStateDataYesfunctionCallback for player state (see below)
dataNoobjectData about the viewer, video, and integration

Within the data object, you should pass any information that is listed in Metadata, which is typically about the viewer or the video itself. In addition, the following should be provided:

player_software_nameThe name of the underlying player software'Video.js'
player_software_versionThe version of the underlying player software'1.0.1'
player_mux_plugin_nameThe name of the plugin being builtSome descriptive string
player_mux_plugin_versionThe version of the plugin being builtA version string

The only required property underneath data is the env_key, which is your env_key found for each environment on

For most integrations, there should be some data that is passed down to the integration at runtime in the page/application, such as viewer information and video information, and often times the env_key. This information should be merged with the above four properties as a whole before being passed to mux.init.

See the JavaScript Integration Framework for an example of how this is done.

Provide callbacks

The JavaScript Core SDK expects two callback functions to be passed in the options object to mux.init: getPlayheadTime and getStateData. These callbacks make it so that additional data does not need to be provided when emitting most events.

The getPlayheadTime callback is a simple function that should return the accurate playhead position, in milliseconds.

The getStateData callback is a function that should return the following properties:

options.getStateData = () => {
  return {
    // Required properties - these must be provided every time this is called
    // You _should_ only provide these values if they are defined (i.e. not 'undefined')
    player_is_paused: player.isPaused(), // Return whether the player is paused, stopped, or complete (i.e. in any state that is not actively trying to play back the video)
    player_width: player.getWidth(), // Return the width, in pixels, of the player on screen
    player_height: player.getHeight(), // Return the height, in pixels, of the player on screen
    video_source_height: player.currentSource().height, // Return the height, in pixels, of the current rendition playing in the player
    video_source_width: player.currentSource().width, // Return the height, in pixels, of the current rendition playing in the player

    // Preferred properties - these should be provided in this callback if possible
    // If any are missing, that is okay, but this will be a lack of data for the customer at a later time
    player_is_fullscreen: player.isFullscreen(), // Return true if the player is fullscreen
    player_autoplay_on: player.autoplay(), // Return true if the player is autoplay
    player_preload_on: player.preload(), // Return true if the player is preloading data (metadata, on, auto are all "true")
    video_source_url: player.src().url, // Return the playback URL (i.e. URL to master manifest or MP4 file)
    video_source_mime_type: player.src().mimeType, // Return the mime type (if possible), otherwise the source type (hls, dash, mp4, flv, etc)
    video_source_duration: secondsToMs(player.getDuration()), // Return the duration of the source as reported by the player (could be different than is reported by the customer)

    // Optional properties - if you have them, send them, but if not, no big deal
    video_poster_url: player.poster().url(), // Return the URL of the poster image used
    player_language_code: player.language() // Return the language code (e.g. `en`, `en-us`)

Emit events

The Playback Events should be emitted as the events are defined. For the JavaScript core SDK, all events are emitted via mux.emit. This method takes three arguments:

  • the player name (the same used in the call to mux.init
  • the event name (e.g. play)
  • (optional) additional data to send along with the event.

All playback events should be emitted as defined except for one: viewinit does not need to be emitted for custom JavaScript integrations. This is handled directly by the call to mux.init, and also within the helper mux.emit('videochange', data).

For the basic Playback Events, no additional metadata is necessary, as it will be pulled via the callbacks defined above. However, for the ad event and network events, there are additional data fields that should be sent, as documented.

Lastly, when changing the video, the new video metadata should be included within the third parameter.

For instance:

// Emit the `play` event
mux.emit('playerId', 'play');

// Emit an ad event, with additional ad metadata
mux.emit('playerId', 'adrequest', {
  ad_tag_url: ""

// Changing a video
mux.emit('playerId', 'videochange', {
  video_title: 'New Video Title',
    // ... all other metadata about the video

Tearing Down

When you are tearing down the player and want to stop monitoring it, make sure to remove any listeners that you have on the player for sending events to mux. After this, make sure to call mux.emit('playerId', 'destroy'); for your player, so that the core library can clean up any monitoring and end the view.

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