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Brightcove (Android)

This guide walks through integration with Brightcove's Android player to collect video performance metrics with Mux data.


The following data can be collected by the Mux Data SDK when you use the Brightcove Player Android SDK, as described below.

Supported Features:

  • Engagement metrics
  • Quality of Experience Metrics
  • Customizable Error Tracking

1Install the Mux Data SDK

Brightcove's native SDK for Android has support for both the native MediaPlayer as well as ExoPlayer. In the case that you utilize ExoPlayer (via a class such as BrightcoveExoPlayerVideoView), monitoring basic video playback is relatively simple.


  • Brightcove SDK for Android 6.x
  • ExoPlayer-based Brightcove Player (e.g. BrightcoveExoPlayerVideoView)

Integration Instructions

Brightcove's SDK for Android encapsulates an underlying SimpleExoPlayer instance. In order to integrate, you need to create an instance of MuxStats for each new video loaded into the player. This is best done by listening for the didSetVideo event that the EventEmitter emits.

Brightcove's current Android SDK (6.2.x) uses ExoPlayer r2.7.x, so you should include the appropriate AAR file from our releases page and in our Monitor ExoPlayer guide.

Note: didSetVideo is used in order to get the updated Video in the case that a playlist of Video objects, so that you can retrieve the updated metadata.

// (or, wherever
// you have access to your `BrightcoveExoPlayerVideoView`

import com.mux.stats.sdk.core.model.CustomerPlayerData;
import com.mux.stats.sdk.core.model.CustomerVideoData;
import com.mux.stats.sdk.muxstats.MuxStatsExoPlayer;

public class MainFragment extends BrightcovePlayerFragment implements EventListener {

  public static final String TAG = MainFragment.class.getSimpleName();
  private MuxStatsExoPlayer muxStatsExoPlayer;

  public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    View result = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main, container, false);
    baseVideoView = (BrightcoveExoPlayerVideoView) result.findViewById(;
    super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState);
    baseVideoView.getEventEmitter().on("didSetVideo", this);

    // Set up your videos for playback here
    Video video = Video.createVideo("https://path/to/video.mp4", DeliveryType.HLS);

    return result;

  public void processEvent(Event event) {
    ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent videoDisplayComponent = (ExoPlayerVideoDisplayComponent) baseVideoView.getVideoDisplay();
    Video video = baseVideoView.getCurrentVideo();
    ExoPlayer exoPlayer = videoDisplayComponent.getExoPlayer();

    CustomerPlayerData customerPlayerData = new CustomerPlayerData();
    CustomerVideoData customerVideoData = new CustomerVideoData();
    CustomerData customerData = new CustomerData(customerPlayerData, customerVideoData, null)

    if (muxStatsExoPlayer != null) {
      muxStatsExoPlayer = null;

    muxStatsExoPlayer = new MuxStatsExoPlayer(this, "YOUR_ENV_KEY_HERE", exoPlayer, baseVideoView, customerData);

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