We're a team of engineers, marketers, designers, all passionate about video and the work we create together. Welcome to our blog about video.
Published on December 2, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
This is going to be the second blog post I've made with this observation, but: COVID is weird. And while it's not one of the biggest ways COVID has turned over our collective applecart, it has now been...
Published on November 23, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
Earlier this year, we undertook a big project to replace the data backend Mux Data uses for our metrics, views, and errors. It was a “replacing the engines on the airplane while flying” project and lar...
Published on November 17, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
*This is part II in the journey Mux software developer Josh Allmann had with creating Storyboards. Check out the product announcement here! On making Storyboards fast On a personal note, this was my...
Published on November 11, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
Announcement of Storyboards with the Mux Video API
Published on November 5, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
One of the more common questions we're asked is how to implement video uploads to Mux. While it'll seem straightforward once explained, there are some considerations that should be taken into account....
Published on November 2, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
Hey, folks! Apologies for the delay in getting this out; turns out Demuxed took a tiny bit of work to pull off! Thank you, of course, to our team--would you call them our fantastic team, Phil?--working...
Published on October 13, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
Breaking news: working during COVID has been weird. For folks like yours truly who are holding down an office job, this means a lot of time in the teleconference mines. On one hand, some people (hi) l...
Published on October 8, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
When Mux adds new features to any of its products, we try hard to make sure that the feature is easy to use and valuable by default. This led us to develop our existing anomaly-detection-based alerting...
Published on October 7, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
Enabling upload of video content to Mux through Strapi CMS so that custom collection types can be tied to assets for a holistic metadata model.
Published on October 1, 2020 (over 4 years ago)
stream.new: Add a video. Get a sharable link to stream it. Read about this new free and open source project built and powered by Mux.